Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf

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  2. Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf File
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Your Wish is Your Command
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We have learned so much from the 13 plus hours of instruction included on the 'Your Wish is Your Command' CD series by Kevin Trudeau that it would take a book to tell you. Better yet, get yourself a copy of the 'Your Wish is Your Command' series and be empowered with knowledge you will want to take action on. Your Wish is Your Command Guidebook. 4.6 out of 5 stars. Only 13 left in stock - order soon.

Welcome - come on right in. We are so glad you came!
Group 1: Is this you?
• You had dreams - once - long ago!
• Some days you want to hide / run away
• You can't figure out how ___ ticks!
• You KNOW there is a better way to ___ but don't know how
• You have health issues to conquer
• Financial struggles are a reality
• Haven't really learned anything new in years. Must be in my genes!
Trudeau • Ready for a change but not sure in what way how or because nothing ever works!
Group 2: Is this you?
• You want to be physically healthy
• You want to be spiritually healthy
• You want to be emotionally healthy
• You want to realize your dreams
• You want to set goals - just need ideas
• You want to be financially independent
• You want to be able to help others
Your wish is your command kevin trudeau pdf full • You want to accomplish something great with your life and make a difference
• You want to be different tomorrow than you are today - no more same old same old for you!
We could say, since misery likes company, 'Welcome to the club!!!' But NO WAY! We say, 'Welcome to the CLUB!!' The CLUB that will address your group one issues noted above and help you realize group two positive outcomes and even more - perhaps beyond your wildest dreams. Hey, if you like struggling in group one and like the familiar answer to the question, 'How's that working for you?' (Answer: It isn't), then read no further. If, on the other hand, you are fed up with the same old, same old and you want to take action, then read on. You DO want to get out of group one - don't you? Or, perhaps you are happy now and just need tweaking. Read on!
This is your SPECIAL OFFER invitation to take advantage of the opportunity to join The Global Information Network (GIN), a private, exclusive, member-only global association of individuals just like you, who dare to dream.

Usually, all it takes to move out of group one is a hand up from someone else and some new knowledge. It is a known fact that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Actually, let's refine that: KNOWLEDGE THAT IS REMEMBERED AND ACTED ON IS POWER! GIN is a global group of like minded people from all walks of life and various business, social and economic sectors who have come together to give each other a hand and to share a wealth of knowledge with teachable individuals. Having a 'buddy' makes realization of dreams and goals so much easier.
This GIN Club is different than any other you have known. It is adaptable to your dreams and desires. The belief is that this rare and unique ability to associate with people from around the world allows each member special advantages that they would not have as isolated individuals. The age old 'buddy' system in action - members sharing knowledge, connections, and expertise, and mentoring those members who are serious about taking charge of their own destinies, achieving wealth, gaining financial freedom, experiencing dynamic physical and spiritual health, and reaching high levels of overall emotional well-being. The GIN membership list is confidential.
Different Strokes for Different Folks
We have something for everyone so be sure to look at everything we have to offer. You just never know what will grab your interest. And don't assume you don't need something because, you just never know what you don't know that you need to know that will be exactly what you need to bring the success you want!
YourPhysical, Mental and Interpersonal Training and Resources:
1. for developing you, your marriage, family, interpersonal relationships
2. for improving your mental and physical health
3. for developing an outlook and attitude for success
4. for developing your leadership skills
Financial and Business Training, Resources and Opportunities:
5. for improving or developing your existing business
6. for developing a new business
7. for getting you connected to people in the know
8. for network marketing
9. for greatly improving your financial situation
Miscellaneous Resources and Opportunities:
10. for travel - even world wide
11. for investing
12. Exciting Bonuses and surprises you won't want to miss
Not a global traveler at heart or at the pocketbook level just now? No problem. GIN comes to you in the comfort of your own home by way of MP3, online seminars and books and, if you want to, you can travel to events. Some events are free to attend - you just cover the cost of getting there, food, and hotels if required. Other events have a registration fee. You pick and choose the topics that best fit your dreams and needs, perhaps not just for you - but for your whole family.
Here is a sampling of what our family learned during a live GIN event in the Bahamas a few years ago:
1. From Ron Ball: The characteristics of an underachiever and the profile of an achiever
2. From Chris McGarahan: Steps to building strong relations with an emphasis on marriage relationships
3. From Ed Foreman: Steps to making every day a terrific day
4. From Kevin Trudeau: 4 simple basic ideas that take 5 minutes to learn and a lifetime to master
5. John Gray: Author of Men are From Mars and Women are from Venus spoke on the differences between the mind of men and women - Wow! Powerful ideas!
6. We learned about the importance of enthusiasm, how to be enthusiastic, and calls to decisions and actions in the areas of marriage and relationship issues. Our lives will never be the same.
PLUS! We have learned so much from the 13 plus hours of instruction included on the 'Your Wish is Your Command' CD series by Kevin Trudeau that it would take a book to tell you. Better yet, get yourself a copy of the 'Your Wish is Your Command' series and be empowered with knowledge you will want to take action on.
As mentioned earlier, the speakers come from a wide variety of walks of life and belief systems. You are sure to find a speaker with whom you resonate. We, the McLellan family, look at life with a Christian world-view and have been delighted to find that the majority of what we have been learning with GIN is actually very easily lined up with Biblical principles, even if the speaker is from a more secular viewpoint. If you have questions along this line, please feel free to contact us (click here).
Join as:
• an affiliate for no cost! • become a full member at a low cost worth thousands more in value!
Benefits of Membership in The Global Information Network
Why sign up as a full member of the Global Information Network (GIN)?
You want a change. Don't you? For a one-time initial membership fee and about $5 per day you can get:
• Access to loads and loads of free members-only audio, video and written presentations of your choosing
• Attend world-class, members-only live events, seminars, workshops, retreats, conferences, summits, meetings and special briefings taking place all over the world. - often for absolutely free! (+travel/some meals costs)
• Members get greatly discounted pricing of seminars and books by world renowned presenters to use at home.
• Networking opportunities with members from all over the world.
• The ability to be personally mentored or become an apprentice by a current high ranking successful member.
• Cost effective: get world class information from GIN - be well informed and ready to activate change
• The opportunity to be in business or invest with wealthy, affluent, successful people from around the world.
• Exciting Bonus offers and also the opportunity to make money with GIN - earn your way!
GIN also provides its members with exclusive, confidential, never before released information that may be right up your alley regarding:
• Money Making Opportunities
• Investing
• Asset Protection
• Stocks, Bonds and Trading
• Worldwide Real Estate Opportunities
• The Law of Attraction
• Commodities, Worldwide Currencies
• Natural Remedies and Cures for Illnesses
• Many more topics being developed!
Be a lifelong, empowered learner.
Think you can't afford this opportunity? Think again! You CAN do it!

Ready to Join?
YourGo here to apply to become a full member.
(When asked, please enter referral code 1515612.)
You will get access to thousands of dollars worth of training, books, and resources that will help you to realize your dreams.
Just want to get your feet wet with no financial commitment?
Go here to sign up for free as an affiliate.
(When asked, please enter referral code 1515612.)
While you do not get access to all of the many benefits of membership, it will give you an idea of some of the things available to you. You will get access to some of the free training events and audio messages.
Still not Convinced? Want More information?

Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf Full

Visit the Official Global Information Network website.
(When asked, please enter referral code 1515612.)
Here you will find detailed information about all that the Global Information Network has to offer you.

The Success Mastery Course - Level 1-5 with Inner Circle Training - Taught by Kevin Trudeau
Following the Your Wish is Your Command CD Series... this elite membership training teaching you how to have, be and do anything and everything and everything you want by using the law of attraction and other success principles, is said to be past down by secret societies and members of royalty.
The Global Infmation Netwk (GIN) Presents:
Members paid $1000 up front, $150 a month and level 1,2,3,4 and 5 upgrade fees all together costing $16,000, plus $50,000 f the Inner Circle training to collect these files from:
The Level 1 Training Includes 5 Lessons:
Lesson 1: Your Wish is Your Command (14 CDs) - The infamous audio set that is been called the 'Think and Grow Rich of our time.' This CD set sets you up to be programmed f success learning the basics to how royalty and members of secret societies use the law of attraction and other powerful success principles you may have never heard of befe.
Lesson 1.2: ITV Ventures Your Wish is Your Command (9 CDs) - The previous never heard of LIVE Your Wish is Your Command training befe GIN was founded. The book by Ester and Jerry Hicks 'Ask and it is Given' is used as this courses center teachings.
YourLesson 2: Success Mastery Training from Zurich, Switzerland (4 CDs) - Membership training that goes even deeper beyond the Your Wish is Your Command program. Learn acts like: focusing on a thought f 68 seconds is equal to 2000 hours of activity and much me.
Lesson 3 - Success Mastery Training from Germany (4 CDs) - Membership training that goes even deeper beyond the Your Wish is Your Command program. Learn a powerful block clearing method to demolish attracting negative manifestations.
Lesson 4: Patton on Leadership (4 CDs) - Learn the success behavis from one of the most successful war generals of our time. Here you learn how the same principles in leadership used in battle can be used and applied in your business.
Lesson 5: Know the Sce (5 CDs) - Kevin teaching his seni executives to use sce boards and the power of the mind to move up profits and statistics. In this training you get a first hand view on how Kevin runs his teams to create Billions of dollars in sales with a fly on the wall audio recding. (5 CDs)
The Level 2 Training 2 Day Intensive (6 CDs) - Moving to level 2 requires you to know the level 1 training me in depth and with unconscious competence. Here you learn how to use negative emotion to engage heavy particle flow towards your chief aim and learn the difference between 'attracting' you desires and 'creating' you desires.
The Level 3 Training 3 Day Intensive (7 CDs) - Going even deeper into the training you learn a very powerful clearing method that releases failure patterns. Most people don't know that broken commitments and agreements that started in younger years not only carry over to today, but actually grow into mega patterns of self sabotage and failure.
This is the main theme of level 3, lots me goodies within the training.
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Your Wish Is Your Command Kevin Trudeau Pdf File