Sap Download Sapcar.exe

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  5. Sap Sapcar.exe Download
  1. At which DVD ( or download package) can I find sapcar.exe? Where can I download sapcar.exe? I can not run je22install.sar because I do not have a sapcar.exe file.
  2. Tar -xvf sapcar -xvf SAP Service Marketplace is being retired. To download SAP software, we need to navigate to Software Downloads on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. This used to be the Software Download Center (SWDC) on the SAP Service Marketplace (SMP) but that was decommissioned in 2018.
  3. Michael Doss on Sapcar Download Windows 64 Bit ((HOT)). May 8, 2017 — Download the SAPCAR exe from the SAP market place. NET Website is not working on 64bit Windows 2012 server.
  4. Nov 19, 2013 -The archiving tool SAPCAR- Create a new folder example: C: usr sap exe Download: ccmagent8-10007259.sar SAPCAR5-20002092.exe saposcol9.sar Look for latest kernel!

What is a Kernel?

  • The Kernel is a central program which acts as an interface between SAP application and operating system.
  • The Kernel consists of the executable programs that reside under the path '/sapmnt/<SID>/exe' (UNIX) or usrsapSIDSYSexerun (Windows)
  • These files help startup the R/3 system, initialize the memory, create buffers and start managing the requests from users and effectively utilizing of hardware resources.
  • The kernel is also responsible for starting and stopping all the application services like dispatcher, message server, collector etc.

Sapcar -xvf filename.sar (this to extract single sar file) To extract multiple SAR files Go to the folder when you are all SAR files and execute below command. Sapcar -xvf “.sar” Note: sapcar is a executable file which you have to download from Service Market place for your platform (linux or Windows). Click here for sapcar download.


Why Kernel Upgrade?

  • SAP Kernel is the core of the application. Like all other applications, the Kernel contains the executable files (.EXE files for stating various processes in SAP).
  • The Kernel is the heart of the operating system. It contains those files which are used to run every event in SAP. E.g.|: starting database, shutdowns of the database, starting sap, shutdown of sap, saposcol, to uncar the sap files etc.
  • That's the reason why when a Kernel upgrade is done it means new versions of the various EXE files replace the older versions.

How to check Kernel Version?

There are many ways to check the Kernel Version -
Method 1) Logon to SAP system and go to SM51 à Release Notes

Method 2) Logon to SAP system and go to System tab in the menu bar and select Status

Method 3) Logon in operating system, switch to user <SID>adm and give the command disp+work
You can also give disp+work –version


Download Kernel from Service Marketplace

  • Go to 'SAP Service Marketplace. ' ( You will need your OSS ID and password.
  • Then go to Downloads à SAP Support Packages -> Entry By Application Group -> SAP Kernel 6.00 64 Bit -> Select your OS (LINUX/WINDOWS/SOLARIS/AIX) -> Database Dependent and Database independent Kernel Patch.
  • Two SAR files SAPEXE.SAR and SAPEXEDB.SAR are downloaded from Service Marketplace.
Sap Download Sapcar.exe

Database Independent

Database Dependent: ORACLE

Kernel Upgrade Steps:

Step 1: Create a new Directory at OS level with enough space. Name of Dir can be 'exe_new<ddmmyy>'.

Step 2: Transfer these SAPEXEDB.SAR & SAPEXE.SAR files which you have downloaded to the new directory at OS level.

Step 3: Change your current directory to path .SAR files are created (cd /sapmnt/PR2/exe_new20122006). Check the directory path with command 'pwd' to ensure you are in the same dir (exe_new<ddmmyy>).

Step 4: Now uncompress these. SAR files by sapcar exe. The command used for the same would be

Step 5: Now create one more directory in that path with the name 'exe_old<ddmmyy>'. Take the backup of existing kernel.Copy (only copy not move) the existing kernel from exe directory to 'exe_old<ddmmyy>'

Step 6: Now stop the SAP application. (For kernel upgrade the shutdown of database is not essential but we need to stop the SAP application)

Step 7:

Then copy the files from the new kernel directory exe_new<ddmmyy> to the existing kernel directory exe
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Sap Download Sapcar.exe File

Step 8: This will copy / replace all the files in the existing kernel directory with a new kernel files.

Then check the kernel version from OS level by the command disp+work. It should show that the patch number has been increased.

Step 9:

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Then logon to OS level as root (specific to UNIX). In the kernel directory, there is a script called Execute this script

Step 10: This script assigns the correct permissions to all the executable programs in the kernel such br* file etc...

Step 11:

Step 12: Now you can also check the kernel version level from SM51 or by selecting system à status

I decided to write a little program that catches the SAPCAR output and analyses it.

You can use it as a SAPCAR GUI. I am not a programmer, and I wrote this in very

old environment, just to make sure it will work on most WIN OS-es.

Disclaimer: This is NOT official SAP software and it is NOT bug free.

This is freeware. Use it on your own risk.


Sap Download Sapcar.exe Download

– NO installation needed

– You have to download your own SAPCAR.exe and put it in the same folder as scgui.exe


– Displays the archive contents

– Extracts chosen or all files in the archive file folder

– Extracts chosen or all files into specific folder or asks every time (from version 1.1)

– Can register .CAR and .SAR extension to open with double click

– Can open a single CAR/SAR file

– It is easy to upgrade – just put the new SAPCAR.exe in the folder

Known problems:

– if you move the scgui.exe file in other folder you have to register the SAR/CAR extensions again

– if SAR/CAR extensions are registered to other windows program, it is possble that

the “Register..” button will not work. You have to unregister them first (right click / Properties)

– You need administrator rights for “Register..” button (or “Run As administrator” in Windows 7).

– does not display hierarchical structure, just a list of all files and folders


– tested on WinXP 32bit

– tested on Win7 64bit (with both 32 and 64 bit SAPCAR.exe)

– tested on Win10 64bit

– should work on every Win OS as long as your SAPCAR.exe 32/64 works


Old versions:

Feel free to leave comments here. There will be future versions posted here.


Also check how to extract without GUI easily:


Sorry – no new version yet 🙂

I spoke with SAP Copyright support few months ago. It seems I do not break the rules.

I am allowed to make this program!



Sap Download Sapcar.exe Software

Version 1.1 released

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New features:

– has a file with settings – options.opt (if it does not exist – it creates one)

– 3 choices for exteraction folder in Options/Settings – Always ask, same folder as SAR/CAR file, specific folder

– remembers your choice in the options file

Sap Sapcar.exe Download

– menu