George G Gilman Edge Books Free Download

Author:George G. Gilman
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Tags: General Fiction
Publisher: LOBO Publications
Published: 2018-02-15T00:00:00+00:00

George G Gilman Edge Books Free Download
  • Author of Edge, Steele's war, Vengeance at Ventura, Sioux Uprising (Edge, #11), Comanche Carnage, The moving cage, Ten tombstones to Texas, Slaughter Road George G. Gilman Open Library Donate ♥.
  • Edge 11 - Sioux Uprising by George G Gilman 1974. Edge 11 - Sioux Uprising by George G Gilman 1974. See my other gilman and western listings. HERE IS A USED Edge 11 - Sioux Uprising by USED CONDITIONFROM A PET & SMOKE FREE HOME PLEASE CONFIRM PAYMENT DETAILS WITHIN 5 DAYS OF END OF AUCTION PLEASE NOTE: ALL MY ITEMS ARE WELL PACKAGED WITH PROOF OF POSTAGE OBTAINED ON DESPATCH from Oxford.
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Chapter Twelve


During the hour or so it took for the column to get to Punto de Honra up on the east side of the valley, the pain in Edge's head lessened to the extent that he experienced more discomfort from the lumps and bruises of the dive off the wagon.


But he did become disconcertingly aware of something that was happening to him inside his skull: that his attention tended to wander whenever he attempted to concentrate on any one line of thought for more than a short length of time. And he was convinced that this was not caused by involuntary self-anger or anxiety or frustration on account of his unaccustomed helplessness. Such an unsettled state of mind he could have understood and come to terms with, since it would have been nothing new. But in the past, his attention had always been diverted from one subject to another. Today, the lapses in his concentration left his mind a blank. Or so it seemed. For certainly he could not recall what had pre-occupied him each time he was aware of having been lost to what was happening around him. Whether it be simply the changing mountainscape over which he was maintaining a careful watch, or if he had been listening to what Francisco Cortes or Conchita said to him.

Then, it seemed to him, the frequency of these aberrations increased the more concerned he became that the bullet had done more than mere physical damage to his head. But, he decided as they reached the village and Sosa called a halt, if he could reason that he was going out on his mind, did this not mean that he was entirely sane? Was he not, maybe, creating the limbo of total detachment as a defense against driving himself crazy because of that untenable sense of impotence he felt? And would continue to feel for as long as he remained powerless to help himself . . . himself and his daughter.

George G Gilman Edge Books Free Download Free

While he sat in Morton Reed's cantina and Conchita bathed his wound with refreshingly cool water, the half-breed resolved to abandon concern for such a tenuous factor as his sanity. He faced up to the fact that he was no longer responsible just for his own safety and wellbeing. This lovely young girl was his own flesh and blood.

In the wake of the killing of Ysidora Garcia and the way the corpse had been disposed of, none of the women riding the wagon had demanded silence in which to sleep. In fact, their brooding melancholy had seemed to be relieved when Conchita began to speak about her past life. And received more vocal encouragement to continue from Cortes than Edge.

George G Gilman Edge Books Free Download

She had not been born in the re-named town of Peaceville where her mother had worked as a waitress in Honey's restaurant. When the tall redheaded Gail found out she was pregnant soon after Edge left to take up his life as a drifter, she came south into Mexico. In search of the

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Edge 50 Shadow of the Gallows by George G.

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