Clipper 5.3 For Windows Download

I would think that the majority of people in this newsgroup paid for their copy of Clipper and have earned the money to do this. Why anyone would use this newsgroup to ask for a. Development / Engineering. Nimbus Note is a flexible yet comprehensive information repository that helps you simplify your work and bring your team together. Manage tech docs and requirements. Maintain roadmap and sprint plans. Track bugs, requests, specs, etc. Syntax highlighting and Markdown. No need to type. Download ca-clipper 5.3 5.3 by ca. The 'caci' can only run under 'dos' session of windows, not inside dosbox.

  • The Harbour Project is a Free Open Source Software effort to build a multiplatform Clipper language compiler. Harbour consists of the xBase language compiler and the runtime libraries with different terminal plugins and different databases (not just DBF).Harbour is a cross-platform compiler and is known to compile and run on MS-DOS, Windows (32 & 64), Windows CE, Pocket PC, OS/2, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.

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    • vszakats
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    • Linux
  • Second life for CLIPPER applications will teach you how to make NEW Win32 application from your old DOS Clipper version in a short time. If you are CLIPPER programmer, remake your applications and get back in busines with your new WINDOWS 32-bit. ...

    • Second life for CLIPPERapplications
    • Aleksandar Stefanović
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 142 Kb
    • Windows 9X, ME, NT, 2K, 2003, XP, Vista
  • Clipper/XBase compatible compiler with initial support other xBase dialects. Multitasking, OOP,SIX/Comix, SQL and ODBC drivers,a C-API for third-party developers, a few wrappers for popular libraries (such as BZIP, GZIP, GD, Crypto, and Fcgi),. ...

    • clip-prg.32-64-2009-181-1.2.1.tgz
    • itk
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 4.9 Mb
    • BSD; Linux
  • The Evernote Web Clipper let you save. The Evernote Web Clipper let you save interesting stuff you see on the web. No more bookmarks, tabs, or open windows.

    • evernote_web_clipper- fx.xpi
    • Evernote Corp
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 1.71 Mb
    • Linux
  • xHarbour is a portable implementation of the xBase language (Compiler & complete Run-time libraries). It's practically 100% backward compatible with CA-Clipper 5.2e and 5.3c, and offers many modern language extensions, and extensive Run-time. ...

    • xharbour
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 3.59 Mb
    • Windows; BSD; Mac; Linux
  • qtHarbour is a set of Harbour language bindings for Qt. Providing a portable multi-platform GUI toolkit for Harbour (a 100% Clipper & xBase compatible compiler)..

    • Teo Fonrouge
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 130 Kb
    • Windows; Mac; Linux
  • wxHarbour is a set of Harbour language bindings for wxWidgets. Providing a portable multi-platform GUI toolkit for Harbour (a 100% Clipper & xBase compatible compiler).

    • Teo Fonrouge, ViktorSzakáts
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 1.26 Mb
    • Windows; BSD; Mac; Linux
  • Harbour is the Free Open Source Software implementation of a multi-platform, multi-threading, object-oriented, scriptable programming language, backwards compatible with Clipper/xBase. Harbour consists of a compiler and runtime libraries with. ...

    • harbour-3.0.0.tar.gz
    • harbour-project
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 12.51 Mb
    • Windows; BSD; Mac; Solaris; Linux
  • Advanced Clipper 1. Additional oversampling reduces alias noise. The oversampling algorithm is based on butterworth filters (as it is found in rubberfilter) and thus affect the group delay (you can notice a delay of some samples in extreme cases).

    • AdvancedClipper_Install.exe
    • Christian Budde
    • Freeware (Free)
    • 624 Kb
    • Win All
  • Take screenshots of your desktop Memonic Clipper for Windows Take screenshots of your desktop Save your clipboard as a note Capture content from Microsoft Office Applications Adobe Acrobat Reader and any other applicationd-deTZ.

    • MemonicSetup.exe
    • Nektoon AG
    • Shareware ($)
    • 1.91 Mb
    • WinXP, Win Vista, Windows 7
  • Yankee-Clipper X (YCX) is the flagship application of InteleXual Software LLC. It is a super powerful clipboard extender that has a functionality our competitors haven't ever dreamed of yet. It saves time by collecting everything that was copied to. ...

    • YCXSetup.exe
    • InteleXual Software LLC
    • Shareware ($14.95)
    • 3.45 Mb
    • Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
  • Using an idea similar to Pritpal Bedi's Vouch (, interface between Clipper applications and Windows. Implement in BCX BASIC. Use MSScriptControl object. Send commands, request information, receive answers using VBScript.

    • UServe - Windows engine forClipper
    • userve-clipper SourceforgeProject
    • Freeware (Free)
    • Windows

Related:Clipper Compiler For Windows - Clipper Compiler - Clipper Compiler Dbase - Clipper Compiler For Dos - Compiler For Clipper Language
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Download Clipper 5.3 For Windows

Do you still have old DOS-Programs based on CA-Clipper running on your system? This Howto shows you, how to speed up those programs by compiling them with hmg.

Since the introduction of Windows XP, you probably get a 100% CPU-Usage as soon as you start your exe.

Even if your application is only waiting for user-input, it keeps your computer busy.

I can not fully explain the reason. But Clipper was not designed to be run in a multitasking environment and windows goes through great trouble to emulate a DOS-environment. So now as soon as your old program runs, even the fastest core duo system slows down to a creep. If you run it on a laptop, your batteries are empty quicker than you can say uncle.

Clipper 5.3 For Windows Download

But it does not have to be this way.

If you still have your source-code, you are lucky. You can compile it almost without any changes and turn it into an application that looks exactly the same, but runs much quicker and consumes only CPU-cycles when it is doing something.

There are many Clipper compilers out there. Some of them are even free.

Clipper 5.3 for windows free download

Harbour is a great compiler. It will take your Clipper source-code and turn it into C-Code that can be compiled into a binary. You can choose your compiler and there are many libraries that add functions to your program you never dreamt of. It will even run on Linux and Mac-OS.


If you are not interested in Linux and Mac-OS and all the fancy features, you just want an application that installs everything you need. A C-Compiler, binaries and batch files and even a lot of samples.
Such a program exists. It is called 'Harbour MiniGUI', or just 'hmg' for short. Visit the developers website:
You can grab the latest version here:
At the time of writing this post, 3.0.22 is the latest version. It is a 20 MB download. Users at confirm, that it runs well with Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Update: Right now, the current stable version is 3.0.39 if you don't need postgresql-suppprt.

hmg 4.0 ist still in alpha-state. It's goal is to port the windows-api based gui to Qt and make it platform-independent. Be patient. It is not ready, yet.

After you downloaded, the setup file, you can run a regular installer.

I recommend installing it into c:hmg

The installation takes a few seconds. After it is finished, you have everthing you need. Compiler, Linker, Include-Files, etc.

You could compile your prg-files on the command-line, but I prefer the graphical IDE. It gives you a glipse into the many additional features you get with HMG.

Launch the hmg-ide either from the shortcut on your desktop or the startmenu.

Start a new Project.

You can place the project into your existing source-code directory on your harddrive. Make sure, you have a copy in case anything goes wrong.

The IDE creates a new 'Main.Prg' and a new emty form 'Main.Fmg'.

HMG is a great tool to build real Windows-Applications. It is abolutely amazingly simple to turn an existing Clipper-Program into a Windows-Program. But for now, we resist the urge to look at all the shiny features.

All we want to do is compile our console application.

So for now, we don't need the Main.Fmg and Main.Prg. Delete them by selecting them in the Project-Browser and clicking Project - Delete File from the Menu.

Now you have an empty Project. Choose 'Modules' in the Project Browser and click on 'Project' - 'Import File' in the Menu to import your all your prg-files.

The first one you choose will be your main-module. That means, it includes the procedure or function that starts the program. You can declare a module as main by clicking 'Project' - 'Set Module As Main' in the menu.

By default, HMG wants to build a Windows-Application. But your old CA-Clipper-code is a console application.

So you have to tell the compiler to run in 'Console Mode'. You do that in the Project Browser in the Configuration-Tab.

Update: If you are using Version 3.0.39, there is noc 'Console mode' any more in the 'Configuration'-Tab. Don't panik. It still works. Simply add this line to your main .prg-file:


To be more precise, you now have a mixed-mode program. That means, you can already use windows-gui elements wherever you like.

In some cases, you have to make little adjustments to your code.

Most importantly, harbour looks for a function or procedure 'Main'. If it does not find it, it will not do anything, because it does not know where to start.

Clipper also supported the first function to be named like the .prg-file. So open your prg-file with an editor of your choice and rename the main function.

The old prg-file will be saved in the codepage 850.

My favorite editor is jEdit. It calls the codepage IBM850. If some characters (umlauts, accents, box-drawing-characters, etc.) look funny, click 'File' - 'Reload with Encoding' - 'IBM850'.

Do not change the encoding. Keep it 850 for your console application!

Compile your code by clicking 'Project' - 'Run' in the Menu.

HMG will build an .exe-file and launch it. So if all goes well, your program starts.

The new exe-File is rather large (1-2 MB) compared to an original clipper-exe. But who cares nowadays, right?

Here is a screenshot of a sample console application. As you can see, the wait-command does not keep the Processor busy.

This howto demonstrated, that you don't have to through away your old Clipper code and write it in a new language if you want an application that works well on Windows.

With hmg you can turn it into a modern harbour-console-program for windows within a few minutes.

You can now incrementally modernize your program. You might mant to start by replacing ALERT() with msgbox() to see how well it mixes.

HMG opens a lot of possibilities to really take old application to the 21st century.

I find it very impressive, that Roberto Lopez managed to extend the xBase Language, so that modern GUI-Controls can be defined in an easy to understand way.

Code looks like this:

#include ''

Function Main

AT 0,0 ;
WIDTH 400 ;
HEIGHT 200 ;
TITLE 'Tutor 10 - Picture Button Test' ;

Clipper 5.3 For Windows Download

@ 10,10 BUTTON PictureButton_1 ;
PICTURE 'button.bmp' ;
ACTION MsgInfo('Picture Button Clicked!!') ;
WIDTH 27 ;
TOOLTIP 'Picture Button Tooltip'


Clipper 5.3 For Windows Download Windows 10



The IDE helps you build this code by designing your forms in a gui-designer.

If you want to know more about HMG, take a look at C:hmgSAMPLES and c:hmgDOChmgdoc.htm (also available online).

Clipper 5.3 For Windows Download Full

I found the people over at very nice and helpful. They helped me when I got stuck and reading the forum gives a lot of insights.