Dune 2 Editor

So, open your savegame in your hex editor and find all occurrences of the short byte0x0804. In the earlier savegame file, there's only one offset. So find now the second sietch in the list (0x0805) -in other words, the stop position- and copy all the bytes of Ergsun-Timin sietch in a text editor like this. DuneMaps - About - DuneMaps is a scenario editor for Dune II, allowing editing of existing maps, or creation of new maps. Required - Certain files are required for execution of the editor.


Map installation

Put these maps into the Dune Legacy map directories, either the singleplayer or the multiplayer directory. The location of these directories is platform dependent:

  • Linux: ~/.config/dunelegacy/maps
  • Windows: C:Documents and Settings<YourName>Application Datadunelegacymaps
  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Dune Legacy/maps

Dune 2 Editor

Map Packs

  • Mappack by Rippsblack (13 maps, included since Dune Legacy 0.96.2)
  • Mappack by Heinrich Arkonnen (18 maps, included since Dune Legacy 0.96.4)


Dune 2 editor torrentDune

Map: 5P - 128x128 - Kragetam.ini
Author: Kuffar
Date: 15.05.2013 (included since Dune Legacy 0.96.4)

Map: 6P - 128x128 - Gargantuan Mountains.ini
Author: Kuffar
Date: 24.05.2013 (included since Dune Legacy 0.96.4)

Map: 5P - 128x128 - Hellvetika.ini
Author: Kuffar
Date: 16.06.2013 (included since Dune Legacy 0.96.4)

Dune 2 Save Game Editor

Map: 6P - 64x64 - Fertile Basin.ini
Author: Kuffar
Date: 16.06.2013 (included since Dune Legacy 0.96.4)

Creating your own maps

If you want to create a new map use the built-in map editor. To have it listed on this page, please contact us. Maps under creative commons license might even get included into a new Dune Legacy version.

Mod Type: Mod Tool

Author: MVI

Feature Set:

  • Supports loading and saving of both R8 and R16 tilesets
  • Supports exporting of tileset images for editing in picture editors like Photoshop or Paint.Net and importing the image back in
  • Automatic palette conversion for R8 images, when importing an image the closest palette colours are chosen.

Future Work Will Include:

Dune 2 Editor

Dune 2 Editor Free

  • Supporting editing of the associated TileSet data file (TILEATR*.BIN)Please note: This is an Alpha release, it is unlikely to be stable and may suffer from bugs. I recommend you back up your files/installation before editing.